Friday, October 10, 2008

Cruiser's Bike Day -coming Oct 19th !

Well it's Official-finally ! Cruiser's Cafe is going ahead with another Bike Night- 'cept it's during the DAY this'll be all afternoon- Sunday Oct 19th ! I just got the Flyers today from Joel, although I wasn't home when he dropped them off. And there is a minor typo in these flyers, it says Sunday- Oct 18...but thats the wrong day- it's the 19th !
Anyway, I'm not guarantee'ing any number for turn-out this time, as the weather could make ALL the difference in late October ! But at least it's a DAY that may help if the weather is halfway decent ?

See the previous entry for pix from the first Bike Night, which turned out pretty well- if I say so myself :)

Thats ALL Folks !

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