Friday, September 17, 2010


News ? DEATH-DEATH-DEATH-DEATH ! FOUR of my friends have died(separately) in 3 weeks time ! Who will be next ?
RIP- Mike, Randy, Seth and Roger....

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Bike Nite 7-22-10

A little late in posting, but then again I mentioned Last month- that I might NEVER post here again !
Anyway, this Crusier's Bike Nite (Sans Joel) turned out to be the Biggest Bike Nite (attendance-wise) of the year, and also one of the Biggest since it's inception in 2008. And "I" am partly responsible for the Awesome nite and record attendance. But, for as much as I do to promote the event, no good deed goes un-punished.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

No News is ??

It's been a long while since I last updated this blog, and well... I wish things in my life had been better. First off, Gene and I are no longer friends- it was his choice not mine. Nothing really positive has happened in my life this year, and changes for the better are what I needed !
Anyway- we had our 2nd Bike Nite of 2010 at Cruiser's Cafe tonite, and turnout wasn't great at all- maybe 17 bikes ? The weather was fantatstic- BUT, there had been a threat of severe storms all day, which we think kept alot of Bikers away- I guess ?

PS- this maybe my last Blog entry- EVER !

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


A few tidbits of news...#1- Gene and I ended our disagreemnt, and are sorta back together again as friends. He also bought another slotbike to replace the one he burned up, and I recommended he keep it stock- to race in Class "B" -if he ever wants to race ME again? So there maybe a DSBA Class "B" race scheduled for sometime soon ?
#2- I'm gonna play Volleyball 2nite. #3- The (Final) Season Premere of LOST is on 2nite and I'm a Huge fan of that show. The first hour will be a recap show- followed by the actual 2 hour premere at 9pm.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Bike Nite Pix from August- Rained Out

A few pix from the Rained Out Bike Nite @ Crusier's Cafe on August 18-2009.
FYI- click on the image for a full size version...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Todays adventure....

Me and Gene were supposed to go to Flattrack races today, and meet up with Vince and a couple other guys, the other guys bailed, but me and Gene showed, but it was so freakin hot and not many Racers showed either- so "I" wanted to bail and do a Car Show with Gene's '53 studebaker instead. Then Vince showed, and he never got to see the races, but did get to ride with us to Gene's house and see his two Studes, the '53 Hotrod and the original '63 Supercharged Avanti. We then split with Vince and went our separate ways, and hope he made it home ok? But Gene's '53 ran out of GAS right on the middle of the Long Bridge(I-81) that crosses the Susquehanna river near Harrisburg. But he was following me on my bike, so I then went ahead and bought a small gas can and gas and came back, and soon we were on our way again.... We finally got to the Car "Cruise-In" held at Cruiser's Cafe- where I hold the Bike Nites, and it was a Huge turnout today. Maybe when pix are posted later- I post some here ? Anyway- what a Day !

In the pic below- you can see Gene's "Green" '53 right behind the Telephone pole...

In the pic below, you can see part of Gene's green '53 Stude right behind the yellow Corvette...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Joel is Finally Cruisin' !

I took the Following pix on July 28th. Thats pastor Paul Beech at the helm of his newest bike- an '07 Kawasaki Vulcan 900 Classic. The passenger is none other than Joel Snyder- owner of the Cruiser's Cafe. Let me add this, Joel does NOT like riding pillion ;-)