Sunday, September 7, 2008

My First Entry

Oh well, it was bound to happen someday, now I have a Blog- LOL !
For my first entry, I'll mention the solo Motorcycle ride I did today on my Harley Sportster. I rode the back way over the mountains from my home to Centre Co.(Pennsylvania) and ended up at Howard Lake. While I was there, I took a couple of photos, which I'll share with you here.
The first photo isn't the greatest, but then again I have a pretty cheap camera. But I did manage to catch the speedboat as it was whizzing by.

This second photo is from further east on the lake facing the bridge that crosses the lake. And FYI- this is a man-made lake.

The third photo is facing south toward the town of Howard on the opposite shore, and I believe at one time, some of the town was located where the lake is now found. BTW- the town of Howard is obscured by the huge Island in the middle of the lake.

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