Friday, September 17, 2010


News ? DEATH-DEATH-DEATH-DEATH ! FOUR of my friends have died(separately) in 3 weeks time ! Who will be next ?
RIP- Mike, Randy, Seth and Roger....

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Bike Nite 7-22-10

A little late in posting, but then again I mentioned Last month- that I might NEVER post here again !
Anyway, this Crusier's Bike Nite (Sans Joel) turned out to be the Biggest Bike Nite (attendance-wise) of the year, and also one of the Biggest since it's inception in 2008. And "I" am partly responsible for the Awesome nite and record attendance. But, for as much as I do to promote the event, no good deed goes un-punished.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

No News is ??

It's been a long while since I last updated this blog, and well... I wish things in my life had been better. First off, Gene and I are no longer friends- it was his choice not mine. Nothing really positive has happened in my life this year, and changes for the better are what I needed !
Anyway- we had our 2nd Bike Nite of 2010 at Cruiser's Cafe tonite, and turnout wasn't great at all- maybe 17 bikes ? The weather was fantatstic- BUT, there had been a threat of severe storms all day, which we think kept alot of Bikers away- I guess ?

PS- this maybe my last Blog entry- EVER !

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


A few tidbits of news...#1- Gene and I ended our disagreemnt, and are sorta back together again as friends. He also bought another slotbike to replace the one he burned up, and I recommended he keep it stock- to race in Class "B" -if he ever wants to race ME again? So there maybe a DSBA Class "B" race scheduled for sometime soon ?
#2- I'm gonna play Volleyball 2nite. #3- The (Final) Season Premere of LOST is on 2nite and I'm a Huge fan of that show. The first hour will be a recap show- followed by the actual 2 hour premere at 9pm.