Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Joel is Finally Cruisin' !

I took the Following pix on July 28th. Thats pastor Paul Beech at the helm of his newest bike- an '07 Kawasaki Vulcan 900 Classic. The passenger is none other than Joel Snyder- owner of the Cruiser's Cafe. Let me add this, Joel does NOT like riding pillion ;-)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Cruiser's Bike Nite -july 21

Well, I just got back from Bike Nite @ Crusier's, weather was perfect, but turnout was light, I guess coz of the fear of rain. We had about 30+ bikes, a few new faces, but some old ones were missing. We held the Slow Races again, this time I participated on my Buell. Ahem, guess who WON ;-) FYI- I raced the guy from Harrisburg that won the last time, it was sorta close, but I think I beat him by a foot or so?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

You can find me on Facebook !

Just an FYI, but since I joined Facebook recently, I find it alot more interesting and fun to use than Blogger. So if you search for "Ralph Rosson III" over there, and want to be my friend....?